
Welcome to Official Web Site of IZUMIYA SEMINAR OFFICE

IZUMIYA SEMINAR OFFICE is an office to support Dr. Kanji IZUMIYA’s activities outside his clinic. In the Japanese page of our site provides information of Dr. IZUMIYA and his works including writings, lectures, media exposures, etc. We also plan and organize seminars with him as a lecturer.


泉谷 閑示 Kanji IZUMIYA

M.D., Psychiatrist, Thinker, Music Composer. Born in 1962, Akita Pref., Japan. Graduated from Tohoku University School of Medicine.

Trained music theory and composition method under a private music teacher during university days. After working at hospitals including Tokyo Medical and Dental University Medical Hospital, he moved to Paris and studied as a student in L’Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, and worked as a counselor for Institut Culturel Franco-Japonais at the same time. He is currently working in IZUMIYA CLINIC, his own clinic in Tokyo, which specializes in Psychotherapy.

His unique method of psychotherapy to respect and make most of the personality of each client attracts clients from all over Japan and overseas (his session is only in Japanese.) His own way to understand humans as “HEAD/MIND=BODY” has aroused empathy from a wide range of people. He advocates “the true richness of life” through his books (some of them are translated and published in Asian countries), speeches and lectures. He also works as a stage director and a composer.

・『Q~わたしの思考探求』NHK ETV
・『みんなでニホンGO!』NHK TV
・『ボクらの時代』FUJI TV
・『Earth Dreaming~ガラスの地球を救え』ABC RADIO
・『大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ』Nippon Cultural Broadcasting
and many other.

・『「普通がいい」という病』(Kodansha Ltd.)also published in Korea
・『「私」を生きるための言葉 ―日本語と個人主義―』(Kenkyusha Co., Ltd.)
・『あなたの人生が変わる対話術』(Kodansha Ltd.)
・『クスリに頼らなくても「うつ」は治る ~新しい自分になる30の視点』(DIAMOND, Inc.)
・『反教育論 ~猿の思考から超猿の思考へ~』(Kodansha Ltd.)
・『仕事なんか生きがいにするな~生きる意味を再び考える~』(Gentosha Inc.)also published in Korea
・ 女性のための家庭医学書『ウィメンズ・メディカ』〈心の病気〉の章 (監修) (Shogakukan Inc.)
・Contribution writings to Iwanami Shoten, Kodansha Ltd., and many
・Serial Columns for “JAF Mate” (Japan Automobile Federation Member Monthly Magazine)
Serial Columns for “nippon.com” (texts available in some languages including English)
・Serial Columns for “Nikkei Business Online”


*Services Izumiya Seminar Office provides are not for medical purpose.

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